March 27, 2012


Welllllllll lets take a look at the PA ALL STARS injury list:

-Ethier took up backflipping with fellow mtber Darren Bearclaw
-K Maks arranged marriage has found him deep in the vic city club scene
-James dean drinks alone on doherr's cold cement floor, same place he sleeps
-Dickity Pauly D Doherr married some Rigger bitch and gets bitched at for
letting JD live off of them like the vagrant he is
-Krista Kulcyski, Brant Coney, and Sheldon Fistfuckgerald are also chasin the great
CANADIAN DREAM, but in the Real Rigger land of ALBERTA
-Regan Millers been puttin in work in the gyms and streets and fishboats of vancity
-Daddy Duff, well, we all know what hes doin

the port alberni associate pa all day headquarters / pa all day pa all stars scout management resource center / pa all stars personel and staffing port alberni location head office space

1 comment:

  1. Someone who didn't make the list3/27/2012

    the description couldn't have been more accurate.
