May 31, 2011
sean h
seen this on the http://fnfmedia.blogspot.com/ of non other than sean h. sean has retarded amounts of steeez. period.
May 29, 2011
found this gem i haven't seen in a coons age. if my memory serves me correct i believe i do recall a certain kyle ketch saying "i can't fuckin wait to barspin redford gap! its gonna be nice." so judging by that statement i'd say its gettin done real soon.
May 28, 2011
mike zinger
this is one of the best things i've ever seen in my life. mike zinger will cut u with a chainsaw, stay scared.
May 26, 2011
this is soooo fuckin gooood. the donfather surrey steve does van city proud.
there once was a day when ten-pack videos sucked, that day has long passed. this whole vid brings it.
[o] drew glaser
K-MAK aka keegan lorenzo moore has not put up a new song in months... but word on the street has it that he's gonna be droppin: a full album, 100 mixtapes, music videos, a feel-good summer track and wikileaks is gonna leak his nudes. all this info i just made up off the top of my head, so u know its on point.pump these k-mak hits and show ur friends.
higher ground
appt. brando opened a new store downtown vic. im pretty sure that the one on douglas st. is still open. cash ya check and go drop some dollas here. while ur at it peep http://www.instrumentalskateboards.com/ cause u know they're on it.
GT Jam2011: crisp "poppin fresh" friggins
alllllllls i can say is HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. sorry about ur luck chris... better luck next year. this lil piece is just a crumb from the pie of footage i got from this weekend full GT Jam 2011 mix tape coming soon...
May 25, 2011
GT Jam
a few clips from GT Jam 2011. clay gets lobbled on the last clip. seen on kerr bilsland's vimeo.
May 24, 2011
randy moffat-man savage
moffman struts his stuff here, appears to be some throwback footy and current footy. made by everyones father, surrey steve.
iphone mixtape
this was the first thing i ever edited, and it shows (not that i'm ne better now) all the footage was collected last summer/fall on my iphone. theres def a few lolable moments.
GT jam
heres some pics from GT jam this weekend. we went hard. my bike was once again outta comish so i filmed the entire time. coming soon: a full mixtape of the jam, u know its gonna be good, complete with everything u'd expect from all these dirtbags
really tho
footage of randy, surrey and a few others. pretty funny
May 21, 2011
May 20, 2011
May 18, 2011
May 17, 2011
(drum roll) aaaaaaaand the come back keeps comin. kyle ketch, in the midst of his biggest comeback yet, is clockin nothin but publicity, the guys at the embassy have caught onto this and r fueling the fire helping to blow it the fuck up. new edit in the works and maybe even an interview... comebacks of this quality don't come everyday.
May 16, 2011
harrison gord
NEW TRICK ALERT! THE GORDGRIND. i might be wrong, buuuuuut i'm callin it so its official.
May 15, 2011
k-vos photography
watching stranded made me realize that i don't know ne of the surfers on it. who the hell surfs??? http://kvosphoto.com/ will tell ya, theres a buncha dope pics among other stuff up on there.
sheare - stranded
i've watched stranded a few times this week, for nostalgia sake if u got a copy u should too. sheares part is heavy as always. theres a few others on pictons youtube account get clickin.
May 14, 2011
carls a gem. found these randomly. i'm 70% sure that 40% of this is from the same footage... carl doesn't give a care.
found these 2 vids on my quest for a GT jam flyer. throwin back 6 years. the mcneil team came to parksville for the comp, it was a life changing experience... jay miron told me to "fuck off you creepy kid" after i repeatedly told him i loved him and blasted other homosexual remarks at him... good times. cameos by me, cody h, anthony, and semfuck all of which r background shots, which r better than ne of the actual tricks, lol.
GT JAM 2011
i was looking for a GT jam 011 flyer online... which i can't seem to find (if i just manned up and made FB again it would be problem solved) but i did find some pics from last year, which reminds me i have a gang of photos from last year on my old computer... which never made it online (typical photo hoard) so imma put them bitches online asap. i did find a dope blog on my google quest. https://marcuspaladino.wordpress.com/ so go and click the fuck outta that and get stoked for this yrs jam.
kyle sketch comeback edit
no intro needed.
editors note: intro needed... "sketch's first day back from his infamous broken ego injury that sat him on the sidelines for at least 5 months. either way he's back at it and making a triumphant comeback (as usual) featuring a cameo by tamiko corlizoli."
gorilla jam
thanks to richard and everyone who lives at his house for letting at least 20 dudes sleep there i can't count how many times someone would come into to the basement and tell us all to shut the fuck up, it would last about 5 seconds then we'd be belligerently loud once again. GORILLA JAM
pretty much the best trick that can be done on a quarter.

sleep was not in the plans at all that weekend partly cause of lack of sleeping arrangements and partly cause if Surrey ain't sleepin, no one's sleepin. we came home at 4am to randy moffat in the midst of this powernap...

so we bike stacked that bitch. GORILLA JAM

pretty much the best trick that can be done on a quarter.

sleep was not in the plans at all that weekend partly cause of lack of sleeping arrangements and partly cause if Surrey ain't sleepin, no one's sleepin. we came home at 4am to randy moffat in the midst of this powernap...

so we bike stacked that bitch. GORILLA JAM
May 11, 2011
all these posts of matt mc'cloud's photos reminds me of his blog http://fnfmedia.blogspot.com/ theres always new good quality fnf exclusives being blasted out. click
May 10, 2011
seen this on the bensons bio on the instrumental site
benson wishart
which reminds me of this...
james dean
motel-gap club, very exclusive, 2 members only.
holla at the instrumental site. instrumentals got a gang of new boards and they look dank, go get one and rep that shit hard.
just figured out mike zinger has a blog/just figured out its pritty much abandoned.
drew glaser photography
drew "cold as a" glacier recently disappeared for 3 months... i think he was in manitoba, but it also could have been hawaii, who's to be the judge?... def not his website http://drewglaserphotography.com/ because they're ain't been nothin new on it in a coons age. but either way go peep the fuck out of it cause word on the streets is that hes gonna be stuffin that bitch with more pictures than a yearbook and by word on the streets i mean i just made up right now but i'm never wrong... drewthousandtwelve.
May 09, 2011
official press release
[o] drewglaser
Kyle Sketch, official pa all star team member has been out with a broken scaphoid (i'm not sure what that is but i think it has something todo with his vagina) he somehow breaks it on the first clip here he recently sent me an update on his condition, "shes definitely healin up but the muscles and poor tendons are a little worse for wear :( like a pregnant women, it kinda let itself go :(" if my math is correct, which it is, this will make it his 100th comeback those waves will never wash up kyle sketch.
Kyle Sketch, official pa all star team member has been out with a broken scaphoid (i'm not sure what that is but i think it has something todo with his vagina) he somehow breaks it on the first clip here he recently sent me an update on his condition, "shes definitely healin up but the muscles and poor tendons are a little worse for wear :( like a pregnant women, it kinda let itself go :(" if my math is correct, which it is, this will make it his 100th comeback those waves will never wash up kyle sketch.
May 03, 2011
May 02, 2011
instead of working we built a box, then we found a tv. featuring nick pauly d, aaron shear, kris hemi, sean h, james dean and one of the fitzgerald triplets.
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Posts (Atom)
May 2011
- sean h
- redford
- more GT jam pics
- fold friday
- mike zinger
- there once was a day when ten-pack videos sucked,...
- higher ground
- GT Jam2011: crisp "poppin fresh" friggins
- GT Jam
- dear kyle sketch canucks suck and can eat a dick. ...
- randy moffat-man savage
- iphone mixtape
- GT jam
- really tho
- organization is key. made by sg.
- fold friday
- kareem williams is the fuckin man. his get-up mak...
- comebackassy
- harrison gord
- k-vos photography
- sheare - stranded
- brown rail is now black. music cred: sg
- GT JAM 2011
- fold friday
- kyle sketch comeback edit
- gorilla jam
- No title
- FnF
- motel-gap
- Instrumental
- mikezinger
- aaron shear. paul walker.
- drew glaser photography
- No title
- No title
- paulie d
- official press release
- james dean
- a bunch of stuff i had piling up
- instead of working we built a box, then we found ...
May 2011