August 31, 2011
since courtney trail jam was such a gong show as are all island jams, i figured id toss these back up in honor of all jams on the island. we get buck. heres the gorilla jam in vic and gt jam in parksville.
i'm gonna go ahead and say this is the BEST VIDEO ALIVE. quote that. featuring everybody from pa, nan, van and vic. made by benson wishart. watch this at least 100 times.
tim okane foto
found this shot of dave on http://www.timokanefoto.com/. theres alot of good stuff up on there gooooopeeeeeepnooooooow.
ride on vanier jam
i missed this for a mountain bike event. FML. surrey's footage of the vanier trail jam featuring ninja house and everyone else from van. soooo many good clips.
the chief
clayton t. - table at the woodyard
clay v. at adam dykes ramp shed
some random shots from the last week, if posts are lackin click up PA ALL DAYS tumblr.
logan m
i was all over the island last week, and the first day i was in vic i randomly met logan at one six. we ended up having a dope ride sesh followed by a party sesh. heres a edit he made outta some gopro footage feating himself and spanish represent veylay.
campbell river giver jam
dillon lloyd - truck down alcatraz
the campbell river "wanna giver" comp was this weekend and somehow someone let me judge hahaha. we were supposed to judge on etiquette, style, creativity and tricks. i however judged on how many pegs u had, how black ur bike was, how many barspins u did, and a scale of 1 to 10 on how badass u are. needless to say dillon lloyd won. greg flag got 2nd and jordan hango and taylor lee tied for 3rd.
the campbell river "wanna giver" comp was this weekend and somehow someone let me judge hahaha. we were supposed to judge on etiquette, style, creativity and tricks. i however judged on how many pegs u had, how black ur bike was, how many barspins u did, and a scale of 1 to 10 on how badass u are. needless to say dillon lloyd won. greg flag got 2nd and jordan hango and taylor lee tied for 3rd.
August 26, 2011
phillip mathews reporting live
bat country.
burg unit.
August 25, 2011
August 24, 2011
the waiting
i spent forfuckinever trying to get to vic yesterday. 9 hours between travelling and waiting to travel (partly because i had to backtrack from where i woke up to get my hard drive charger). then wen i got to the ferry there was a mechanical problem and was delayed an hour so i filmed some random crap while i waited.
2paupst made this edit of paint+skate an event put on by spencer allen and matt mcloud. the concept is dope and it looks like hella good times. seen on you got that. peep the instrumental site for the instrumenal x lurk skates and cop that shit.
frankie vass
this is the most badass thing i've personally seen done on a mountain bike. i know a couple bmxers have done it, but this is still ridiculous.
embassy summer edit
ohhh baaaby, this packs more heat than a curling iron. at least a million vancity locs and spots. hit up the embassy for nice things including an exclusive george bolter band aid check.
tamiko corizoli/kyle sketch edit
tamiko corizoli comes thru with a bangin edit she films and stars in. kyle ketch has some riding after tamikos part is done, but i didn't watch that cause i had to rewatch her footage... for real this is SOLID GOLD. with heat like this kyle and tamiko r gonna get administrative position position round here ryte quik. the shitely filmed stuff was complements of mol tan torrawnto.
August 22, 2011
August 21, 2011
squamish day trip
hitch hiking never gets old, the people u meet are usually quite characters and the stories they stare are intresting to say the least. heres a day trip to squamish. featuring dave laliberte, james dean and squam locs shawn tremblay, brodie four chalk and mike butcher.
hevil bootleg
section from the hevil video... proof that it does infact exist and will be finished one day.
stay saucy (ranch) sundays w/ surrey steve: battle for granville
surreys footage of the battle for granville and a vanier sesh. ninja house goes hard in this... and i catch a signature surrey slap.
featuring k-mak
a lil sesh at gateway with james dean and non other than the best rapper alive K-MAK. ps kmak has a show on the 28th of august, pa all day got hooked up with some free tix, if u wanna go holla at me.
ninja house island tour
this week is gonna be dank, ninja house island tour. trail jam in courtney on saturday, and park comp in campbell riv on sunday. weeeeooooh. i'm not showering this week in prep for this. brought to you by non other than zane hudson at connected brand.
August 17, 2011
found this on drew glaciers vimeo. i didn't see this on drews blog/site but its pretty damn funny.
drewthousandtwelve photography has some new stuff on his site, yet i see no bmx pics, wtf get on that shit drew.
happy birthday paulie d
this brings back some good memories... its not drinkin and drivin if its brown bagged... ford escort for life.
jesus, bikes and 40's. happy birthday nickolas paul doherr, he is currently being a grown ass man workin in alberta, clockin mad dollas so he can invest in the internets biggest, fastest growing, most bad ass blog, PA ALL DAY... a site he help forge with his good looks and charm.
port alberni's newest videographer and longest runnin comebacker came up on a go pro. now pa all day will be chalked full of kyle sketch exclusive molten colten toronto ontario footage, which we've been lackin round here. get stoked. this is the first instalment of many many many kyle ketch edits.
August 16, 2011
battle for granville
sooooo as uuuuusual i damn near shit the bed on this one. i woke up at 130 to a gang of txts casually asking where the fuck i was... thank god i ended up right near dt from the nite before. this is wat i managed to get from canadian concrete "battle for granville" i missed a couple big tricks (tripwhip) but w/e. i hope they do this every year cause it was badass as hell. featuring the likes of, dave laliberte, dylan king, (crankwerks pro mountain biker) anthony messere, wade lajlar, james van de kamp, ben kaufmann and brandon vandulkin. enjoy.
ps... i almost forgot to stir up some controversy... lol at the fact that anthony wins 3rd in THE BIGGEST MOUNTAIN BIKE CONTEST IN THE WORLD and can only get third at a box jump comp with a buncha washed up bmxers, hahahaaaaaa jkkk.
timelapse tuesday
timelapse tuesday. lol at the "title text here" at the start of the vid. no ones perfect and im to lazy to reupload the vid. half the fun of riding trails is working on them for hours before u ride them... haaaaaa. ps the battle of granville vid is done i just can't find a fast enough connection to upload it at the moment so stay tuned.
millspot refurbished
benson wishart is the best filmer/editor i know, his shits always on point. it would appear that mill spot has gotten a face lift. seen this on http://www.you-got-that.blogspot.com/.
robbie morales came thru and hooked pa all day up with some cult shit. a thousands thank yous. i'm intrested to see what i can stick 100 cult stickers on... as always peeeeeeep pa all days tumblr. i know my posts have been a bit lacking but i've been preoccupied lately, just roll with it.
frankie vass
this was so fuckin sick. i know its a mountain bike, and i know its been done, but i got love for everyone. frankie vass with a flip outta a barrier.
August 12, 2011
joel clarke photo
-jamesdean - roofdrop
-james dean - haunted dock hop.
joel hasn't updated HIS BLOG in forever. get on it u mussy. heres a couple jc shots i have on my harddrive.
fold friday
mark wahlburgs family vacation 2009.
the olympics were the best time i've ever had in my life... partly because of memories like this. BELIEVE

and of course everyones favorite friday centerfold...
stay fat friday w/surrey steve
we got a new thing goin on here at pa all day its called stay fat fridays w/surrey steve. fridays just keep gettin better around here... thisss is bangin. jeff evens kills some van spots in this edit. i have a alternate angle of one of these clips. filmed and edited the don father surrey.
n00b ra1l p0wn
patrick taking it hard on his bday... the angle i have is soogood. filmed by asianzach.
moffman 1.0 & 2.0
3.0 in progress... filmed and edited by asian zach
August 08, 2011
August 05, 2011
rev trails
henry will lick ur wounds clean.
xgames paul with a supermanseatgrab
it don't matter who u are... if ur at the trails ur diggin.
hit up rev trails blog.
cult all day
so havn't checked my email in a coons age... i peep it and boom email from robbie morales. cult is down with pa all day and is hookin it up. being that im homeless i don't really have an address but i'll make it work. go peep http://www.cultcrew.com/
bitches, bongs and guns
it don't get much more badass than this. go to http://pa-all-day.tumblr.com/ for a gang of lol's and other gems like this.
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Aug 2011
- reeeeeeuppppps
- tim okane foto
- ride on vanier jam
- iphoneshots
- logan m
- campbell river giver jam
- phillip mathews reporting live
- fold friday
- the waiting
- paint+skate
- frankie vass
- embassy summer edit
- tamiko corizoli/kyle sketch edit
- la raza hooomes
- d2xshots
- squamish day trip
- hevil bootleg
- stay saucy (ranch) sundays w/ surrey steve: battle...
- new k-mak joint.
- featuring k-mak
- ninja house island tour
- drewg
- drewthousandtwelve
- happy birthday paulie d
- battle for granville
- timelapse tuesday
- millspot refurbished
- cultallfuckinday
- clayton thornhill
- frankie vass
- joel clarke photo
- fold friday
- stay fat friday w/surrey steve
- n00b ra1l p0wn
- moffman 1.0 & 2.0
- f1lmer n00b p0wn.
- clayton thornhill
- cats
- happy birthday: patrick
- rev trails
- squamish
- cult all day
- bitches, bongs and guns
- fold friday
- bmxfu
- jif jigum/tristinadudeparty connected edit
- good times hitchhiking
- bottle poppin.found this kiwi skulkin around horse...
- a week in whistler
- canadian concrete 2011: lafarge
- ninja house.
- FnF is no more...
Aug 2011